Sunday, February 19, 2012

Cheerleading and National Champions!!!

AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Im still UBER stoked about Natalies squad winning the 2012 Cheer Power Nationals!! They worked very hard and totally deserved it! I couldnt be more proud of her.

When she first started cheer about a month ago, I was so ready for the season to be over. Its ridiculously expensive and it takes up a lot of time. Theres a competition at least one a month from December until April. Its a bit overwhelming. Her first competiton was in January and it was in Dallas. I cant even begin to explain how expensive that trip was. Hotel, gas, food, spectators fees for both days as well as parking. To say it broke the bank is an understatement. I can see how people would have to work like 5 jobs and sell kids on the side to pay for cheer. LOL. Anyway, Dallas was a BIG disappoinment. I learned there are politics in cheer. (Go ahead and laugh. I sure did when I first heard that) There were favorites and they totally did us wrong. So much so that the girls coach had the organization remove our squad and our ranking from their website and we wont cheer at their events any longer. The girls placed 4th and were extremely discouraged. All I could think about was how much I could have saved had we not gone.  After all was said and done, I gave Nat a pep talk and told her she did her best, how proud I was, and that there would be other competitons and other chances to win first place.

And boy did they redeem themselves. =) I have neever been more excited and proud of Natalie. They came, they ROCKED it, they won and left with lettermen jackets on their backs!!!! They did soooooo good!! And the fact that they really came together as a sqad and encouraged eachother put the icing on the cake. Natalie gained 7 sisters. So even though cheer is stupid expensive and its time consuming.... I would do it over and over again just to see the smile on Natalies face. She truly enjoys cheer and she loves the girls on her squad.

Hey....I'm living with a NATIONAL CHAMPION!!!! Look out world...Nats on the move!!! =)

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